
From 21-28 September shuttles will be provided between Incheon International Airport (ICN) airport, Lausanne’s listed hotels, and the Songdo Convensia. Daily shuttles will also be provided for participants staying outside of walking distance to the Convensia. See details below.

Please note that the shuttle service will only be available for the listed hotels at the bottom of this page; should you book another hotel or an Airbnb that is not listed, you will need to make your own transportation arrangements.

Airport Arrival Shuttle Schedule 21-22 September

After arriving at ICN airport on 21 or 22 September, you will be greeted by our friendly volunteers who will guide you to the shuttle transportation. Please see the table below for shuttle timelines. If you arrive outside these times you will be responsible for your own transportation.

Saturday, 21 September
Flight Arrival TimeTransportation Options
09:00 – 18:00 SaturdayYou will be taken from the airport to the Convensia to check-in for the Congress.

Shuttles will run from Convensia to listed hotels from 10:00 – 19:00.

The shuttle will run every 30 minutes.
18:00 – 22:00 SaturdayYou will be taken by shuttle directly to the hotels; you will complete your check-in for the Congress at the Convensia on Sunday.
22:00 Saturday – 01:00 SundayPrivate transportation will be provided during this time to those staying at the Congress hotels and filled out their logistics survey before 6 Sept.

Our Korean team will email you directly to arrange a personal airport pick-up.
Note: if you do not receive an email by 18 September, you will be responsible for your own transportation.
Sunday, 22 September
Flight Arrival TimeTransportation Options
01:00 – 09:00 SundayYou will need to take public transportation to your hotel or wait until the first shuttle. The first shuttle will run at 9:00.
09:00 – 20:00 SundayYou will be taken to the Convensia to check-in for the congress. The shuttle will run every 30 minutes.

Shuttles from the Convensia to/from listed hotels will run between 10:00 – 16:00.

After the opening ceremony, the shuttles will return from the Convensia to listed hotels at 21:00.

Luggage storage will be available at the Convensia.
20:00 – 22:00 SundayAfter 20:00 shuttles will go directly from the airport to listed hotels and you will miss the opening session.
22:00 Sunday – 01:00 MondayPrivate transportation will be provided during this time to those staying at the Congress hotels and filled out their logistics survey before 6 Sept.

Our Korean team will email you directly to arrange a personal airport pick-up.
Note: if you do not receive an email by 18 September, you will be responsible for your own transportation.

Airport Departure Shuttle Schedule 28 September

Shuttles will depart from the Convensia to the airport as soon as the programme concludes. These will run from 14:00 – 17:00 on Saturday, 28 September. There will be no shuttle service on Sunday, 29 September.

Saturday, 28 September
07:30Shuttles will depart from listed hotels to the Convensia on Saturday 28 September for the Closing Ceremony.

Please check out of your hotel and bring your luggage. Luggage storage will be available at the Convensia.
14:00 – 17:00Shuttles will run from the Convensia to the Airport at 30 minute intervals.

Daily Shuttle Schedule Monday 23 – Friday 27 September

Listed hotels outside walking distance to the Convensia will be provided with daily shuttles each morning and evening. Please see details below.

Monday 23 September to Friday 27 September
07:30Shuttles will promptly depart from the listed hotels to the Convensia.
21:00Shuttles will return from the Convensia to the hotels.

Shuttle Stops

Shuttles will depart promptly at 07:30 each morning from the stops listed below, and will depart at 21:00 from the Convensia each evening.

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