Step 0


Check Out our ‘Essentials Guide’ for Preparing for the Congress

This guide will be periodically updated as new information and resources become available.

Lausanne’s Heart and History

Whether you are new to the Movement or have been part of it for some time, consider this your essential step to connecting with the heart and the history of the Lausanne Movement. These resources are a great place to start for this step in the journey.

Collaborative Action

Every afternoon of the congress, you as a congress participant will be invited to engage in Collaborate sessions. These sessions are designed to help you:

  • Process what is currently happening in the world
  • Discern what should be happening
  • Prayerfully seek to close these ‘Great Commission gaps’
  • Commit to a process of collaborative action through organic teams that will be launched beyond the congress.

Here are some resources to help you better prepare you for the Collaborate sessions.

The State of the Great Commission brings together the best global data and key strategic thinkers to understand where the greatest gaps and opportunities are for the Great Commission’s fulfilment.

State of The Great Commission Report

At different steps on our Journey to the Congress, we will be releasing sections of the State of the Great Commission Report for you to read and engage with. The report’s findings urge us to ask critical questions about the state of global mission and the future direction of our evangelical efforts

Themes from the Book of Acts

Engage with six pivotal themes drawn from the Book of Acts that shape our morning sessions, rooting our congress in the narrative of the early church. These themes will broadly guide our morning sessions, discussion times, and many of the speaker topics.

Book: The Lausanne Legacy

Discover Lausanne’s Landmarks in Global Mission

We recommend a keynote book which collects the three major documents of the Lausanne Movement into one volume. It includes The Lausanne Covenant, The Manila Manifesto, and The Cape Town Commitment together with the closing addresses of each global congress.

Majority World: Receive this book as a gift, with 14 other Lausanne-linked ebooks through e-Books for the Global Church

UK, Europe, and Oceania: Purchase the physical book with a free ebook at

North America: Purchase the physical book with a free ebook at