Perguntas frequentes sobre visto exigido para entrar na Coreia do Sul.
Eu preciso de um visto?
Acesse este site para obter informações específicas sobre seu caso. Dependendo da sua nacionalidade, você pode estar isento. Caso haja exigência de visto, verifique esta lista para saber se uma Autorização Eletrônica de Viagem (K-ETA) é o bastante.
Para obter informações sobre a embaixada coreana mais próxima, acesse
Qual finalidade devo indicar para entrada no país?
Todos os participantes que necessitem de visto (não K-ETA) devem solicitar o visto de Short Term Visit (C-3-1) [Visita de curta duração], de 90 dias ou menos. Clique aqui para saber mais sobre o tipo de visto exigido para sua nacionalidade.
Quais são os documentos exigidos para solicitação de visto?
- Todos aqueles cujo país de origem consta da lista K-ETA podem solicitar uma Autorização Eletrônica de Viagem sem a necessidade de dirigir-se ao Consulado.
- Todos aqueles cujo país de origem não consta da lista devem visitar o Consulado da Coreia em seu país de residência. A lista de documentos necessários para a obtenção do visto pode ser encontrada nesta página.
- Observação: Recomendamos que, no momento da sua viagem, seu passaporte e visto tenham validade de, no mínimo, seis meses.
Qual é o procedimento de solicitação de visto?
Como posso confirmar se preciso ou não do visto?
Recomendamos confirmar diretamente com o Consulado coreano local por telefone ou e-mail caso você tenha dúvidas mesmo depois de consultar os links acima.
Como posso receber uma carta-convite para a obtenção do visto?
Acesse a aba “Informações” em (após o pagamento do depósito de sua inscrição) e o Lausanne enviará os documentos por e-mail. A data limite para solicitação de cartas-convite é 22 de agosto de 2024.
Se você precisar de cópias físicas ou autenticadas, envie a sua solicitação para o quanto antes – no máximo, até 31 de julho de 2024 – para que possamos processá-las.
Outras perguntas sobre vistos devem ser enviadas para
E se eu não conseguir obter um visto ou meu visto for negado?
Caso você esteja inscrito como participante presencial e seu visto seja negado, será oferecida a possibilidade de participar do Congresso de forma virtual. Confira nossa política de reembolso na seção Pagamentos.
Reduced Visa Requirements by Country
Nepal: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portal, along with their application, to apply for their visa. Kathmandu residents are encouraged to apply together as much as possible, but the embassy will accept documents even if they apply individually. Lastly, participants are exempt from the online reservation system. Visa applications are accepted at the Embassy gate from Monday to Friday, between 09:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. When asked to show the reservation slip at the embassy gate, they can inform the staff that they were told online reservations are not required for Lausanne Congress participants.
Uganda: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portal, along with their application, to apply for your visa.
Sri Lanka: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portal, along with their application, to apply for your visa. Applicants must make an appointment online in advance to apply for a visa the next morning.
Bolivia: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portal, along with their application, to apply for their visa. They are also asked to be sure to visit the embassy at least one month before the expected date of departure.
Liberia: For Liberian participants of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, the Korean embassy is only requiring a scanned copy of a notarized Letter of Guarantee to be digitally sent from Korea Lausanne to the embassy directly. There is no longer a requirement to provide physical, notarized copies of participants’ visa documents at the embassy. We have provided the embassy with a list of our Fourth Lausanne Congress participants. They will use this list and the Letter of Guarantee to confirm participant participation and approve their visa. Participants should forward their completed Guarantee Letter to so it can be sent to the embassy on their behalf.
Sierra Leone: For Sierra Leonean participants of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, the Korean embassy is only requiring a scanned copy of a notarized Letter of Guarantee to be digitally sent from Korea Lausanne to the embassy directly. There is no longer a requirement to provide physical, notarized copies of participants’ visa documents at the embassy. We have provided the embassy with a list of our Fourth Lausanne Congress participants. They will use this list and the Letter of Guarantee to confirm participant participation and approve their visa. Participants should forward their completed Guarantee Letter to so it can be sent to the embassy on their behalf.
Nigeria: For Nigerian participants of the Fourth Lausanne Congress, the Korean embassy is only requiring a scanned copy of a notarized Letter of Guarantee to be digitally sent from Korea Lausanne to the embassy directly. There is no longer a requirement to provide physical, notarized copies of participants’ visa documents at the embassy. We have provided the embassy with a list of our Fourth Lausanne Congress participants. They will use this list and the Letter of Guarantee to confirm participant participation and approve their visa. Participants should forward their completed Guarantee Letter to so it can be sent to the embassy on their behalf.
Pakistan: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portals, along with their applications, to apply for their visa.
Filipinos: For the Fourth Lausanne Congress, digital visa documents are now acceptable, and notarized or physical copies sent from Korea are no longer required. Participants may now use the visa documents they receive electronically through their Congress portals, along with their applications, to apply for their visa.
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