Commonly asked questions about registration.
Why should I attend?
You have been chosen to represent your country, demographic and missional interest at this significant gathering of 5,000 in-person participants and more than 5,000 virtual participants from every region of the world. Your participation will shape the outcomes of the Seoul-Incheon 2024 Congress and help strategically accelerate global mission. For a more detailed explanation, please read this article.
When is my RSVP due?
Please ensure your RSVP is submitted by the date shown on your invitation email.
Can I transfer my invitation to someone else if I am unable to attend?
No, you cannot transfer your invitation. Each participant has been selected based on certain criteria to accurately represent the global church. Your participation is key to ensuring that the right people are gathered together and that the congress accurately reflects the rich diversity of the global church.
Can I change from attending virtually to onsite later? Vice versa?
Due to the limited capacity of the congress and the preparation involved in organising the gathering, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to change your attendance from virtual to onsite after registration. Please bear this in mind when selecting your option to attend.
What languages will be supported?
The 7 written and spoken supported languages include English, French, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. These languages will have live interpretation for plenary sessions and written communication in emails, agenda, speakers and more.